30 days of code hackerrank solutions

30 Days of Code HackerRank Solutions

30 Days of Code HackerRank Solutions. Here is the list of all HackerRank Problems from day 0 to day 29. 30 days of code...
Dictionaries and Maps 30 days of code solution

Hackerrank Day 8 : Dictionaries and Maps 30 days of code solution

In this Hackerrank Day 8 : Dictionaries and Maps 30 days of code solution we’re learning about Key-Value pair mappings using a Map or Dictionary data structure. TaskGiven n names and phone numbers, assemble...
hackerrank day 2 operators 30 days of code solution

HackerRank Day 2 : Operators 30 days of code solution

In this HackerRank Day 2 : Operators 30 days of code solution ,in this problem.TaskGiven the meal price (base cost of a meal), tip percent (the percentage of the meal price being...
Hackerrank Day 7 : Arrays 30 days of code solution

Hackerrank Day 7 : Arrays 30 days of code solution

In this Hackerrank Day 7 : Arrays 30 days of code solution .TaskGiven an array, A, of N integers, print A's elements in reverse order as a single line of space-separated numbers.ExampleA...
HackerRank Day 10 : Binary Numbers 30 days of code solution

HackerRank Day 10 : Binary Numbers 30 days of code solution

Today we are going to solve HackerRank Day 10 : Binary Numbers 30 days of code solution in C, C++ , Java , Python...
Hackerrank Day 0 : Hello World 30 days of code solution

Hackerrank Day 0 : Hello World 30 days of code solution

In this HackerRank Day 0 Hello World 30 days of code problem, we need to develop a program that prints the Hello, World message on the output...
Hackerrank Day 5 : loops 30 days of code solution

Hackerrank Day 5 : loops 30 days of code solution

In this Hackerrank Day 5 : loops 30 days of code solutionn.TaskGiven an integer,n, print its first 10 multiples. Each multiple n * i (where 1<=i<=10) should be printed on...
HackerRank Day 1 : Data types 30 days of code solution

HackerRank Day 1 : Data types 30 days of code solution

In this HackerRank Day 1 : Data types 30 days of code solution , we need to develop a program that accepts an integer, double, ...
HackerRank Day 12 : Inheritance 30 days of code solution

HackerRank Day 12 : Inheritance 30 days of code solution

Today we are going to solve HackerRank Day 12 : Inheritance 30 days of code solution in C++ , Java , Python & Javascript....
HackerRank Day 21 : Generics 30 days of code solution

HackerRank Day 21 : Generics 30 days of code solution

Today we are going to solve HackerRank Day 21 : Generics  30 days of code solution in C++ & Java.ObjectiveToday we're discussing Generics;...